DANFUZZ@BROWNVM.BITNET (Dan Bornstein) (01/26/89)
Sorry about double posting, but... I left out part: If you want to get the catalog into a file, you can instead of putting the stuff into an array, have another open file in write mode and write everything you read. Or write out the array (if you use one). -Dan Bornstein
ART100@PSUVM.BITNET ("Andy Tefft 862-6728", 814) (01/26/89)
I know this doesn't apply to the question exactly, but way back when I got my //e (a couple years before SOFTALK went down the tubes) Softalk published a program (by Uncle DOS I believe) which would read your DOS 3.3 CATALOG directly into variables. I used it to make a decent (for the era) disk menu program. I even went so far as to use a little monitor command (that very common routine to execute monitor commands from Applesoft) to move some memory around, switching it in and out of the text pages... Ah, those were the days...
mw22+@andrew.cmu.edu (Michael Alan Wertheim) (01/27/89)
If you're using DOS 3.3, none of the mentioned methods of capturing a catalog will work, because when you do PRINT CHR$(4)"CATALOG", any reading or writing of text files is suspended until you issue another PRINT CHR$(4)"READ FILE" or PRINT CHR$(4)"WRITE FILE". I wrote a utility a few years ago that would read the catalog from a disk using RWTS and then copy the filenames, types, and sizes into arrays. I don't have it around anymore, but if you need it, I guess I could rewrite it for you. Michael Wertheim Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA Arpa: mw22@andrew.cmu.edu Bitnet: mw22%andrew@cmccvb
dr@skivs.UUCP (David Robins) (02/01/89)
In article <8901252212.aa12020@SMOKE.BRL.MIL> ART100@PSUVM.BITNET ("Andy Tefft 862-6728", 814) writes: >I know this doesn't apply to the question exactly, but way back when >I got my //e (a couple years before SOFTALK went down the tubes) >Softalk published a program (by Uncle DOS I believe) which would >read your DOS 3.3 CATALOG directly into variables. I used it to make Actually, the article referred to was in Softalk August 1984, called "A Catalog of Values!", by John A. Oakey. It was designed allow reading all the DOS 3.3 catalog info into Applesoft variables. It was a 300 line assembly listing, with an accompanying Applsoft program. A much simpler was was published in the CALL-APPLE publication "ALL ABOUT DOS". Bill Parker wrote and article entitled "CAT SCAN". It poked a machine language routine into memory, which called the catalog routines in DOS, and directed the each catalog sector into an Applesoft string, for up to 15 catalog sectors. I have used this very successfully to allow menu display selection of files, in a menu-driven program. I did reconstruct the assembly language listing from the poked values, and figured out how it worked by referencing "Beneath Apple DOS". In addition, I added some pokes to catalog from either drive, with or without changing the drive default settings. The program as published does not work with DOS moved up (DOS-UP or DOS MOVER). I did manage to modify the program for DOS moved, however. An exercise in switching the language card memory in and out. -- David Robins, M.D. (ophthalmologist / electronics engineer) The Smith-Kettlewell Institute of Visual Science, *** net: uunet!skivs!dr 2232 Webster St, San Francisco CA 94115 *** 415/561-1705 (voice) The opinions expressed herein do not reflect the opinion of the Institute!