I hope someone out there can help me. I am fascinated with Broderbund's game "Wings of Fury", but not for the game's sake. It employs two very interesting programming techniques. First, it does a lot of switching between main board memory and auxiliary 64K memory (on a //e 80-col.card). I am trying to understand this better myself. (Yes, I've read about all the address locations you can flip and monitor ROM move routines, but I want more.) Also, the game is stored on disk in 18 sector format, unlike normal DOS/ProDOS which writes 16 256-byte sectors per track. So, I am after two things. 1) Any game cheats which someone may have for Wings of Fury. This would not only let me cheat (which is nice), but also tell me critical program locations like where the data is stored, and maybe the starting address of the program so I can follow it better. 2) Any info someone may have about 18 sector DOS on the Apple. About all I know at this point is that because of the longer track length, the track must be altered and written to the disk a whole TRACK at a time, rather than a sector at a time. This is because the timing is so critical. Thanks for your help. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Todd Davis University of Computer Engineering Student I L L I I Familiar with I I L L L L NN NN OOO I S Apple ][,//e,//c I I L L L L I N N N O OOOII I S S IBM-PC XT I I L L II N N N O O I S S III IILL LLL LLII IINN N NNNOOOOO IISSSSSSS ARPANet: at Urbana-Champaign