Well well, here's the story: First time I downloaded, I used TIC with auto-unpacking on. Don't remember what version; I really ought to send my disk in for an update...anyway, at the end of unpacking the first file (moria) during the download, I got a checksum error. Then, when I unsqueezed the file with BLU, I got the same error, with the results I mentioned in the last letter when I tried to run the program. Last night, I did it again, this time with auto-unpacking off. The file transferred with no problems at all, unpacked the same, and works great. I used Shrinkit to squish the files up more than I could with BLU, and will send it to Apple2-l as soon as somebody tells me how to segment a 358k file into pieces small enough for executioner. This does bring up the problem with TIC, though...maybe it's fixed by now. Another problem I have with TIC is that when I first got it, I started using it on a volume called /COMM in the directory /TALK.IS.CHEAP. Since I've got a hard disk now, I use it in /APPLICATIONS/COMM, and it won't run the .startup file, or read the tic.key.files. It searches all drives looking for the old directory, I think... If anybody can answer any of the questions here, I'd be grateful; and I'd be able to get Moria off to the rest of you. Bill Dickson. DICKSON@HARTFORD.BITNET