[comp.sys.apple] More nits


Murph Sewall <IN%SEWALL@UCONNVM.BITNET> writes:

>You CAN change serial drivers in ProDOS if you're willing to go to
>a little trouble.  Copy the driver from the DOS 3.3 disk and edit off
>the EXECKER385.INSTALL,R1 and END lines at the bottom (the last 2 lines).

>EXEC KER385.driver (for SSC it's KER385.SS)
>BSAVE KERMIT385,A$2000,L$6E00

Close, but not quite.

If you do this, you should be interestingly surprised.  Old versions of
Kermit (<= 3.80) would have worked, but KER385 begins at $1000, not
$2000.  Replace the last line above with:

BSAVE KERMIT385,A$1000,L$6E00

and you'll have it.

Phil Albro