lmaher@uokvax.UUCP (08/09/84)
#N:uokvax:3900053:000:487 uokvax!lmaher Aug 8 22:52:00 1984 _Revenge of the Nerds_ has some very funny scenes, but parts of it are disappointing. It's interesting that even a comedy can cop out, but I can't get more specific without generating a spoiler. If you like to laugh at humiliation and revenge, and don't mind an occasional gross joke, this may be the movie for you. On my scale, it gets a see-it-if-you-were-thinking-about-doing- so. But leave your pocket protector at home, please. Carl ..!ctvax!uokvax!lmaher
steve@tellab3.UUCP (Steve Harpster) (08/13/84)
I treated this movie the way I did Porkey's: don't expect alot and you'll love it. I thought it (Nerds) was a great movie. All the characters in the movie were just like ones I went to college with. -- ...ihnp4!tellab1!steve Steve Harpster Tellabs, Inc.