[comp.sys.apple] Laser 128 and Applied Engineering

davidbrierley@LYNX.NORTHEASTERN.EDU (02/15/89)

     According to the current AE catalog the following products ARE
compatible with most models of the Laser 128 series computers:

                         Datalink 1200 and 2400 Modems
                         Serial Pro
                         Parallel Pro
                         Buffer Pro
\                        Timemaster H.O.
                         Z-80 Plus
                         12 Bit, 16 Channel A/D
                         Signal Conditioner
                         A/D + D/A
                         I/O 32
                         5.25" Half-height Disk Drive

     Because of the different ROM versions in the Lasers AE recommends
that you call them at (214) 241-6060 for further details.

                                               David R. Brierley
Internet: davidbrierley@lynx.northeastern.edu