SASQUATCH@ALBION.BITNET ("Kevin O. Lepard 629-5511 x6668", 517) (02/26/89)
A friend of mine has just set up and is running a BBS on a Tandy 1000 (this is really an Apple // question, honest) using a fully Hayes compatible 300/1200 baud modem at 8N1 and Wildcat software. He has set up sections for MS-DOS machines, Apples, Macs, Ataris, etc. However, not a single Apple // user has been able to get onto the board. IBM users, Mac users, etc, have all had no problem, but for some reason no // users can get on. Apparently the modems don't make the appropriate connections. Does anybody have any idea what's going on? BTW: The bulletin board is Li'l BBS at (517) 629-5511, 24 hours/day, 8N1. Any help would be _very_ appreciated by me and my friend. Please email back to me and if there is interest, I'll post a summary to the list. Many thanks in advance. Kevin Lepard Bitnet: Sasquatch@albion.bitnet
SEWALL@UCONNVM.BITNET (Murph Sewall) (02/26/89)
>BTW: The bulletin board is Li'l BBS at (517) 629-5511, 24 hours/day, 8N1.
I did ===> NOT FIND A MODEM <=== at that number!!!!!
In fact, isn't that the phone number in you're "From" line? Has Albion
received LARGE numbers of "noone's there" phone calls this weekend (sorry
about that, but I don't have a handset on this phone line)?
Murph Sewall Vaporware? ---> [Gary Larson returns 1/1/90]
Prof. of Marketing Sewall@UConnVM.BITNET
Business School [INTERNET]
U of Connecticut {psuvax1 or mcvax }!UCONNVM.BITNET!SEWALL [UUCP]
-+- I don't speak for my employer, though I frequently wish that I could
(subject to change without notice; void where prohibited)
According to the American Facsimile Association, more than half the calls
from Japan to the U.S. are fax calls. FAX it to me at: 1-203-486-5246
>However not a single Apple // user has been able to get onto the board.
How many different term programs have you tried? I don't think it would be
a modem problem.