(Kareth) (03/01/89)
/- Transcript of mail edited slightly to correct typos -/ From: Tamara Fischell <> Subject: Re: The Future of the Apple II, and misc. questions Hi Kareth I'm the one that still waaants (I wanna wanna wanna wanna) a desk accessory just like MockWrite--incidentally they also make mockterminal and mock something else I forget. The nice thing about this little desk accessory is it does very simple things like find (I don't think recall a replace). It doesn't leave tell tale little embedded printer character, but prints and saves as straight text. You can use it to look at data files (very nice) or programs or love letters, or stories which aren't too big. You can call it up within any application because it is adesk accessory. Mock Write is shareware, which is nice. I loved it so much I had my company buy one for the Mac. I would buy one if someone would write it for the IIgs. You can post this if you like. I'm too new to this to do it myself. Thanks T. /- End of transcript -/ I recall people asking for this awhile back and not much coming from it then, but thought I'd post this anyways. Replies will be sent back to Tamara, not I. kareth.