LLi.ESAE@XEROX.COM (03/03/89)
I'm seeking recommendations for WYSIWYG word processing software on a IIe (128K, Enhanced, AE Serial Pro, Imagewriter, no hard disk). I've heard of PUBLISH-IT, Springboard Publisher, MultiScribe, and the latest Learning Company desptop publishing software, but haven't seen any review article comparing these packages. Is any of them compatible with Appleworks (2.0)? I'd appreciate any comments or pointers to review articles. I'll summarize to the dl if there's enough interest. Thanks. Leonard Li
halp@TCGOULD.TN.CORNELL.EDU ("Bruce P. Halpern") (03/03/89)
WordPerfect (//e & //c) is WYSIWYG (more-or-less [sub/super scripts and font changes don't display as such on Apple //e & //c or IBM versions]. It runs under ProDOS. Screen rewrites are slow. It's a port of the IBM version, and therefore presents a blank screen until you press the correct combination of keys (there is some page, line, etc. information on the lower right, as there is on an IBM). Thusfar, I have been able to go from the Apple //e & //c version to the Mac version only by outputing a Text file, which loses all centering, font, etc. information (it's possible to go between the IBM and Mac versions of WordPerfect while preserving boldface, underline, center, super & sub scripts. One goes from 5.0 on IBM to 4.2 on Mac).. ****DISCLAMER: My comments, etc., are my own shakey opinions ******** | Bruce P. Halpern Psychology & Neurobiology & Behavior Cornell Ithaca | | INTERNET:halp@tcgould.tn.cornell.edu BITNET:D57J@CORNELLA D57J@CRNLVAX5| | UUCP:{vax135,rochester,decvax}!cornell!batcomputer!halp | | PHONE: 607-255-6433 Uris Hall, Cornell U., Ithaca, NY 14853-7601 |
demarco@cpsc.ucalgary.ca (Vince Demarco) (03/04/89)
In article <890302-175601-12205@Xerox>, LLi.ESAE@XEROX.COM writes: > > I'm seeking recommendations for WYSIWYG word processing software on a IIe > (128K, Enhanced, AE Serial Pro, Imagewriter, no hard disk). I've heard of > PUBLISH-IT, Springboard Publisher, MultiScribe, and the latest Learning > Company desptop publishing software, but haven't seen any review article > comparing these packages. Is any of them compatible with Appleworks (2.0)? > > Leonard Li I have all of the programs you mentioned, Spring Board pub is very very slow (i have version 1.1 version 2 is supposed to be better) Publish-it is okay. I would suggest you get appleworks 2.1 and timeout superfonts. That way you don't have to convert your files and you get to use a faster program than the graphics orientied ones. If you need 2 column formated text, get columnist (which i uploaded to comp.binaries.apple2 awhile back) or a macro set for ultra macros which will do all of the converting for you. VInce reply to demarco@CPSC.UCalgary.CA
david@jc3b21.UUCP (David Quarles) (03/05/89)
From article <890302-175601-12205@Xerox>, by LLi.ESAE@XEROX.COM: > I'm seeking recommendations for WYSIWYG word processing software on a IIe > (128K, Enhanced, AE Serial Pro, Imagewriter, no hard disk). I've heard of > PUBLISH-IT, Springboard Publisher, MultiScribe, and the latest Learning > Company desptop publishing software, but haven't seen any review article > comparing these packages. Is any of them compatible with Appleworks (2.0)? =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= I have used Appleworks and MULTISCRIBE 3.O on an Apple ][e enhanced with a 1 Meg Ramfactor (with Ramcharger) and find both programs to be worth their price. With the ramcard, they both are super-fast, rivaling most computers, even the Mac. I also use Beagle Bros. Timeout accessories (spell checker, page previewer, etc.) which makes Appleworks hard to beat. The Ramcharger allows the programs to be only a few seconds away from turning on the computer (prodos boots in about 2 seconds). Appleworks with Timeout Superfonts will allow you to print to the screen and WYSIWYG but, for a lot less money you can buy MULTISCRIBE that has the Macintosh pull-down menus and WYSIWYG as you type. MULTISCRIBE now comes with a spell checker. MS is word processor only. I use both a lot as they both have their particular advantages. Timeout is not compatible with MS. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Dave =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= EOT