[comp.sys.apple] info


The defenders of GS/OS as the best thing since potatoe chips, and who blame
all the dozen or so major GS programs and the bunch of CDAs and NDAs that
crash using it on the programmers not following the guidelines should take
a stab at answering two questions:

(1) Why don't they follow the guidelines?  Do they WANT their programs
to crash?  Seems a bit odd to me.  Historically, Apple has failed to
follow the guidelines it sends to developers much more then they have.

(2) Has the "bad code" in a single one of the programs that crash under
GS/OS been found yet?  Again, seems odd that no one has pointed out any
of it.

The fact is that GS/OS (system 4.0) is new, and there has never been any
operating system in the world that lacked a few bugs ("features") in its
early versions.  If we accept the view that it is perfect and the rest of
the world is perverse, it will never be improved.