ART100@PSUVM.BITNET ("Andy Tefft 862-6728", 814) (03/13/89)
Recently when I switched over from using my //c with Kermit to an HDS terminal for working from my room (HDS AVT; a vt100 clone with extra features), I decided I'd move the modem over to the //c for occasional downloading. Well, I realized a nifty way to download without unhooking the modem, and it's especially suited to Apple programs since they all come across in nice text format: I took my //c-to modem cable and hooked the modem end directly into the terminal's port 2, which is set up as a printer port, i.e. the send and receive lines are backwards from the modem port (this removes the need for a null modem cable). Then when you send the command to the terminal that says 'print everything that goes to the screen', it goes to the apple in a nice format - no extra linefeeds if the 'printer' wouldn't normally want them, and straight text (in case of vt100 commands being sent). Just turn your capture buffer on on the apple, turn printing on, and list out the file. With binscii'd files, you don't even have to worry about extraneous things getting captured. Only thing you have to worry about is transmission errors! Another plus - any term program with a capture buffer will do, don't need emulation on the Apple at all. Andy