delaneyg@wnre.aecl.CDN ("H. Grant Delaney") (03/13/89)
Flame on As of late we seem to be going over board at delivering complaints instead of suggestions or or notifications of errors. Dave Whitney, Andy Nicolas Dave Lyon, Ted Medin and others have done much to impove the way we are able to use or computers. When the IIgs first came out I knew that I was going into a whole new world form my II+ which had and still does serve me faithfully for 7 years. We should be helping each other. Thats how I first found the help I needed to go through the transition right here on info-apple. There are a lot of people helping in the background People like Chris, Paul, Todd and Andy who have got libraries started for software. It wasn't such a long time ago that the only place to find this type of thing was on Compuserve, The Source or Genie. We all benifit from seeing other's ideas. Hopfully they will spark a flame in one of you out there. I am especially distressed to see the comments about shrinkit. I watch the development of Floyd Zinks blu from Gary Little's Binary II. It had it's prblems too how do you think it got to version 2.28. Andy has done a great job with a very nice interface. As any one in software development know it gets more and more difficult to find the bugs as the programs add features. Shrinkit does much more than BLU and does it better and faster. We must remember that it is difficult for the software houses to support all versions of the apple II let alone individual who may not have the resources or the machines. SO LET"S HOLD IT TO CONSTRUCTIVE COMMENTS. Flame OFF Lets use this system for what it was intended. To help other make effective use of their APPLE II Computers