[comp.sys.apple] Teaching assembly first

jerryk@pro-beagle.cts.com (Jerry Kindall) (03/24/89)

I attend a small community college in Columbus, Ohio.  True, the college is
geared toward cranking out COBOL programmers in two years.  The reason I am
going there is that basically it's the only game in town besides Ohio State
University (which I attended for a year but couldn't cope with).  (I realize
that there are other schools I could go to but Columbus State has the
advantage of being affordable, and I can get out in two years.)

To get to the point... this is a school that teaches you Assembly first.  The
reason for this is simple: to weed out people who simply don't have the
aptitude for programming.  If you can make it through assembler without
knowing much else about computers, you what it takes to program a computer. 
Columbus State prides itself in producing gradutates who UNDERSTAND how the
machines work, and can think for themselves, instead of being "formula
programmers".  CS graduates know WHY COMP-3 in COBOL is the same as packed
decimal in assembler.  If they come across something they don't know in the
Real World, they can get a book on it, read up on it, and UNDERSTAND it.

I secretly think that the reason Assembly is taught first is to make COBOL
look good.  :)

With my interest in Apples and other micros, what I am I doing learning to be
a COBOL programmer instead of becoming a REAL programmer?  Well, as I
mentioned above, I couldn't cope with Ohio State.  I think that with my
programming abilities I will be able to get somewhere in the Apple arena
anyway.  I hope.  :)

- Jerry Kindall

Alink: JKindall