benatar@bucc2.UUCP (03/25/89)
For the last 2+ years when I used a word processor to write papers in high school, I used Appleworks on an enhanced Apple //e with Pinpoint Document Checker, and it worked just fine. Now I'm at Bradley University and I use an AT&T 6300 (ibm clone) and pfs write to write my papers. This setup sucks!!! Appleworks is a better wordprocessor than pfs write and I like my Apple //e better than the at&t computer. Now, if Appleworks on an Apple //e works as good or BETTER than using a word processor on an ibm clone, how can one say that the Apple // line is dead? Long live the original Appleworks...a GREAT program. Long live Apple // computers!!! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ken Kohler UUCP: {cepu,att,uiucdcs,noao}!bradley!bucc2!benatar Bradley University ARPA: cepu!bradley!bucc2! University Hall room 218 ATTMAIL: attmail!bradley!bucc2!benatar 1307 West Bradley Ave. PHONE: (309) 677-1664 Peoria, IL 61606 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------