[comp.sys.apple] Problems with _UnpackBytes

tsouth@pro-pac.cts.com (System Administrator) (03/25/89)

     I've run into a problem in APW that I hope someone can help with.

     Recently, while playing with bitmats, and the built-in unpacking
routine, I tried to unpack from the memory buffer, to another buffer,
and then to the screen.  I used the 'Paintworks $C0 File Unpacking
Routine' by Jason Harper for the basis, and simply redirected the out-
put of the unpack to a memory buffer.  Then I tried to move that buffer
directly to the screen.  The normal routine just unpacked directly to
the screen, BTW.  Anyway, the routine appears to work in principle,
but when I run it the screen comes up with the display all garbled.

     Here is the just of my add-oin routine.  If need be, or wanted,
I will repost the entire routine set -- but this is all that I changed
and all that appears to really matter.


clrscbs    anop
           sta $E19D00,x
           cpx #200
           blt clrscbs

           PushLong #0                  ;allocate bigbuf
           PushLong #32000
           PushWord MyID
           PushWord #%1100000000010000
           PushLong #0

           sta >bigbuf_Hndl
           sta 0
           sta >bigbuf_Hndl+2
           sta 2

           ldy #0                       ;dereference bigbuf
           lda [0],y
           sta ptrtoscrn                ;ptr to ptr
           lda [0],y
           sta ptrtoscrn+2

           lda #32000                   ;store unpack space length
           sta ptrtolen

           PushWord #0                  ;wordspace
           PushLong readaddr            ;pointer to packed data
           PushWord readlength          ;length of packed data
           PushLong #ptrtoscrn          ;ptr to ptr to unpack area
           PushLong #ptrtolen           ;ptr to max length of unpack area
           pla                          ;# bytes unpacked: ignore it

           PushLong buffhandle          ;the handle
           _DisposeHandle               ;our unpack area no longer needed

           lda ptrtoscrn
           sta 0
           lda ptrtoscrn+2
           sta 2

           ldy #0
loop1      lda [0],y
           sta >$e12000,x
           cpy #32000
           beq loop1out
           bra loop1

loop1out   PushLong bigbuf_Hndl

           PushWord #0                  ;wordspace
           PushWord #1                  ;echo flag
           _ReadChar                    ;Press Any Key To Continue
           pla                          ;ignore key
           jsr  gary
           shortm                       ;turn of SHR mode
           lda $E0C029
           and #$7F
           sta $E0C029

           lda #0                       ;say 'no error'
           rtl                          ;and return to APW shell

gary           START
               using Globals
         lda   #31
         sta   count

fadeout  ldx   #0

next     lda   $e19e00,x
         and   #$000F
         beq   dogreen
         dec   a
         jsr   storit

dogreen  tya
         and   #$00f0
         beq   dored
         sbc   #$0010
         jsr   storit

dored    tya
         and   #$0f00
         beq   nomore
         sbc   #$0100
         jsr   storit

nomore   ldy   #$0aff                  ;set your delay  03a0
loopy2   dey
         bne   loopy2
         cpx   #32
         bne   next
         dec   count
         bpl   fadeout

;;       sec
;;       xce
;;       longa off
;;       longi off
;;       jsr   $fc58                    Home
;;       lda   back
;;       sta   $c034                    restore background
;;       lda   #$41
;;;      sta   $c029


globals    data

MyID       ds 2                         ;program's UserID
ptrtoscrn  ds 4                         ;pointers for UnPackBytes
ptrtolen   ds 2                         ;   "
buffhandle ds 4                         ;handle to unpack area

c0pathname str 'c0testfile'             ;file to load
p_open     anop                         ;P16 parm list for Open
open_ref   ds 2
           dc i4'c0pathname'
           ds 4

p_close    anop                         ;P16 parm list for Close
           dc i2'0'

p_geteof   anop                         ;P16 parm list for GetEOF
geteof_ref ds 2
filelength ds 4

p_readmap  anop                         ;P16 parm list for Read
rdmap_ref  ds 2
           dc i4'$E19E00'               ;=> color palettes
           dc i4'$22'                   ;length
           ds 4                         ;trans_count: ignored

p_readinfo anop                         ;P16 parm list for Read
rdinfo_ref ds 2
           dc i4'infobuff'              ;=> ignored buffer
           dc i4'$200'                  ;length
           ds 4

p_readdata anop                         ;P16 parm list for Read
rddata_ref ds 2
readaddr   dc i4'0'                     ;addr & length to be filled in by...
readlength dc i4'0'                     ;program
           ds 4

infobuff   ds $200                      ;buffer for ???
back     dc    i1'0'                    previous background color
count    dc    i'0'
bigbuf_Hndl ds 4                        ;Todd's Big Buffer



If anyone can openly see what I am doing wrong, and why the bitmap is
screwed please feel free to tell me!  Thanks...

Todd South

UUCP: {nosc, uunet!cacilj, sdcsvax, hplabs!hp-sdd, sun.COM}
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