[comp.sys.apple] where can we get that stuff?

nicholaA@moravian.EDU (03/30/89)

Larry Virden -- The stuff I mentioned was only to help get Jason Blochowiak
out of hiding and to start telling your folks about all the wonderful things
he has written for the gs, but has yet to release (he wrote animated watch,
too..)  If you want to write to him about the Hurrican Editor or the
HyperHelp system, you can contact him at:


Jason reads the info-apple newsfeed regularly, and I'm sure we'll see a
response sometime soon. :-)

When I mentioned John Brooks' linker, FastLink, It was originally meant to
be a passing thought, but expanded into something a bit more all-encompassing..
The earliest you might see a working product as shareware might be about
2 weeks from now.  This is a guess... sometimes John has lots of time to work
on it, sometimes he doesn't because he tries to make a living programming
this wonderful little machine we call the IIgs...


Andy Nicholas                     CsNET: shrinkit@moravian.edu
Box 435, Moravian College      InterNET: shrinkit%moravian.edu@relay.cs.net 
Bethlehem, PA  18018               uucp: rutgers!lafcol!lehi3b15!mc70!shrinkit
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