[comp.sys.apple] ShrinkIT 2.0

nicholaA@moravian.EDU (Andy Nicholas) (04/07/89)

Yes, I realize I probably shouldn't have posted so much stuff to the net
before 2.0 was really ready to go out the door, but I think you'll all be
happy to hear that ShrinkIT 2.0 is available on AppleLink at this very moment
in the Telecommunications Forum's ProDOS/8 Processing Utilities Library --
I also just mailed a copy to murph sewall for apple2-L.


CYLau@UNCAMULT.BITNET (The Ultron) (04/10/89)


 In ShrinkIt 2.01, you cannot list the contents of a Binary II file with
the L- List contents of archive function...  While this is not a serious
bug (one can always go the extract and see what is in the BNY file that
way...)  it would be a little bit more convenient...


 The opinions expressed herein are    Replies to:
 entirely my  own, but they can be      CYLau@UNCAMULT.BITNET
 yours for only  $29.95 plus tax.*      CYLau%UNCAMULT@MITVMA.MIT.EDU
 (* where applicable.)                  (or whatever is on the header)

nicholaA@moravian.EDU (04/10/89)

> In ShrinkIt 2.01, you cannot list the contents of a Binary II file with
>the L- List contents of archive function...  While this is not a serious
>bug (one can always go the extract and see what is in the BNY file that
>way...)  it would be a little bit more convenient...

This may be provided at a future date, but I'm really cramped for memory
right now.  There's only a certain amount of stuff that can be added
to the program and keep it single-load.



> yours for only  $29.95 plus tax.*      CYLau%UNCAMULT@MITVMA.MIT.EDU
Andy Nicholas                     CsNET: shrinkit@moravian.edu
Box 435, Moravian College      InterNET: shrinkit%moravian.edu@relay.cs.net 
Bethlehem, PA  18018               uucp: rutgers!lafcol!lehi3b15!mc70!shrinkit
----                           ALink PE: shrinkit

lwv@n8emr.UUCP (Larry W. Virden) (04/11/89)

Andy, if the extract code can list the archive, then that code is already
there in memory, all you have to do is use it if the file type is right -
or am I missing something?

Speaking of missing, our is our attempts at email coming - not too well?

Larry W. Virden	 674 Falls Place, Reynoldsburg, OH 43068 (614) 864-8817
75046,606 (CIS) ; LVirden (ALPE) ; osu-cis!n8emr!lwv (UUCP) 
The world's not inherited from our parents, but borrowed from our children.