(Vince Demarco) (04/22/89)
Ever notice that if you don't have a clock installed, when proterm creates a file it date stampes the files with a time of 31:00. Well the way proterm checks for the time is store a $FE or something similar in the high bit of the word where the time is stored, and then checks the time again, if it hasn't changed there is not clock installed. Here is a patch to fix this problem When this patch is installed the time will alwyas read 0:00 which is okay. and if you have a program like sc.system (published in nibble, it installs a software clock in ProDOS) the time will change after each disk access. DON'T INSTALL THIS PATCH ON YOUR ORIGINAL ProTERM DISK. I MAKE NO CLAIMS THAT THIS PATCH WILL NOT MESS SOMETHING UP. It is installed in my copy. load up basic.system and set the prefix to the disk where ProTERM V2.1 resides and type: BLOAD PT.INSTALL,E$1913 CALL -151 1911:EA EA EA BSAVE PT.INSTALL,A$800,E$1913 BLOAD PT.BIOS,A$1000 1140:EA EA EA BSAVE PT.BIOS,A$1000