[comp.sys.apple] trouble in paradise

CHRIS@BROWNVM.BITNET (Christopher Chung) (05/01/89)

I guess this means that info-apple and apple2-l files won't be getting out
for a while.  You can continue sending to apple2-l@brownvm.bitnet because
I will hold onto the programs until the problem has been solved.


Posted on 28 Apr 1989 at 22:46:46 by BrownVM Mailer (103837)

LINKFAIL Emergency Notice - BITNIC Overload

Date:         Fri, 28 Apr 89 16:52:00 CDT
From:         Marty Hoag <INFO@NDSUVM1>

   Randi Robinson, RLRCU@CUNYVM, has asked me to send this to the
subscribers to the LINKFAIL list:

BITNIC is having a major problem.  They *cannot* keep up with all the
  LISTSERV traffic.  The load is JUST TOO MUCH.  They have been dumping
  files to tape.
With much help from Princeton, they have managed to get many more files
  out than would have been possible otherwise.
A solution is needed.  Perhaps some better LISTSERV topology?

Any ideas?
  (Ed. note:  LSTSRV-L@POLYGRAF et al might be a place for general
   specific suggestions.  mgh).

Until this is solved, CUNYVM cannot send any more files to BITNIC. Files
  going to BITNIC will simply end up on tape until (if) this backlog
  gets solved.
From what BITNIC has queued right now, the estimate is that they have
  over 9000 files to push out to the net.  And that is as of 3 p.m. EDT,
  28Apr.  CUNYVM has not been sending BITNIC files since then.