[comp.sys.apple] Let's see a System Disk 5.0 Q & A


>>        How come we never see anything on GS/OS releases and/or other
>>developments for the Apple family that compare to the Mac info you
>>posted on an APPLE ][ FAMILY FORUM!?! Sure would be nice to seem the
>>release notes for 5.0 posted.  (hint hint!!)
>Because the product managers for 7.0 took the time to put it all together and
>get it to me.  I've never gotten anything from the product managers for GS/OS
>and other Apple II products.  If I got them, I would post them...

>Mark B. Johnson                                            AppleLink: mjohnson
   Who are the product managers for System Disk 5.0?  I would like to see hints
about the Apple //'s future path from Apple similar to those included in the
Mac's 7.0 Q&A release.  If the Apple // product managers could put together a
similar release on System Disk 5.0, I'm sure many people would thank them.

|  Chip Welch                                "Apple ][ Forever!"             |
|  Chipmunk Computer Systems                                                 |
|  CU Box L3058                         BITNET:  LWELCH@COLGATEU.BITNET      |
|  Hamilton, NY 13346                   GEnie:   C.WELCH3                    |