[comp.sys.apple] Graphics Program

sjklafke@csd4.milw.wisc.edu (Scott James Klafke) (05/06/89)

Does anyone know of a good graphics program for the //e with the
following specs:

1) Single and Double Hi-Res
2) Makes use of $C8 (GS Type) fonts
3) Will work on a hard drive

Of the ones I have tried, Beagle Graphics uses its own font type, Dazzle Draw 
uses its own fonts and won't go on a hard drive, and 816 Paint (which does
use $C8 fonts) won't find its printers or fonts when installed on the
hard drive. The program does not have to print out the graphics, I have a
program to do that for me.

Thanks in advance!
Scott  (sjklafke@csd4.milw.wisc.edu)

sjklafke@csd4.milw.wisc.edu (Scott James Klafke) (05/12/89)

I am reposting this because I really need an answer!!     

 Does anyone know of a good graphics program for the //e with the
 following specs:

 1) Single and Double Hi-Res
 2) Makes use of $C8 (GS Type) fonts
 3) Will work on a hard drive

 Of the ones I have tried, Beagle Graphics uses its own font type, Dazzle Draw
 uses its own fonts and won't go on a hard drive, and 816 Paint (which does
 use $C8 fonts) won't find its printers or fonts when installed on the
 hard drive. The program does not have to print out the graphics, I have a
 program to do that for me.

 I have now figured out how to put 816 paint on the HD, but it will only find
 15 (the first 15) fonts on the disk (i.e. no scrolling of fonts like the mac).

 I am still looking... Please help me on my quest!

= sjklafke@csd4.milw.wisc.edu              - 
-   Disclaimer : This isn't me, so there!  =

dale@pro-colony.UUCP (System Operator) (05/17/89)

Network Comment: to #6057 by pnet01!crash!csd4.milw.wisc.edu!sjklafke

Try MiniPaint by JEM Software (run by Beagle Bro Randy Brandt).  It sells for
about $25.00 is supports both 320 and 640 mode on the IIGS.

It is a IIGS program only.  I have a DEMO version of the program available on
my BBS - pro-colony  214/370-7056 - 3/12/2400 bps

sjklafke@csd4.milw.wisc.edu (Scott James Klafke) (05/18/89)

In article <8905170719.AA12221@crash.cts.com> pnet01!pro-simasd!pro-colony!dale@nosc.mil writes:
>Try MiniPaint by JEM Software (run by Beagle Bro Randy Brandt).  It sells for
>It is a IIGS program only.  I have a DEMO version of the program available on

Arrgh!  I need it on a //e! All I want it to do is be in DHGR and use $C8 fonts.
Also, unlike 816 Paint, it must be able to access all the fonts on disk,
not just 15. Thanks anyways.

= sjklafke@csd4.milw.wisc.edu              - 
-   Disclaimer : This isn't me, so there!  =