[comp.sys.apple] Central Point's UDC and the Apple //GS


>So, has anyone compared the Central Point Software  Universal Disk
>Controller (with appropriate 3.5" drive connected) to the speed of an
>Apple 3.5 Drive on a GS? Has anyone compared the CPS UDC to a UniDISK 3.5
>Controller on a Plus? What would the optimum interleave be for an Apple
>3.5 Drive connected to a UDC on a II+?

>Since I own an Apple II Plus, my choice is basically between an all
>Apple system (UniDisk 3.5 and controller) or the combination of a CPS
>UDC and Apple 3.5 Drive (or other Mac-type 3.5 drive). I favor the latter
>since the drive would work with a IIgs when/if I buy one. I don't want to
  I think that it is very important for all purchasers of 3.5" drives to
understand something about Central Point's disk drives that they don't
advertise very much.

   Central Point's 3.5" disk drives do NOT properly work with an Apple //GS
running certain Apple //GS software.

   The 3.5" drives Central point sells will work fine on a //GS if you're only
going to use 8-bit programs like Appleworks, but many //GS programs (especially
copy-protected ones) will not work.

   I bought a 3.5" drive from Central Point, and after several ROM upgrades and
new drives, they finally acknowledged that their drive could not function the
same as Apple's 3.5" drive.  They did refund my money when I returned it.  I
think that the extra price for an Apple drive is worth it for a product that
will continue to be supported as the standard (though consider 3-rd party hard
drives as an alternative).

|  Chip Welch                                "Apple ][ Forever!"             |
|  Chipmunk Computer Systems                                                 |
|  CU Box L3058                         BITNET:  LWELCH@COLGATEU.BITNET      |
|  Hamilton, NY 13346                   GEnie:   C.WELCH3                    |