I just observed some strange behavior with the /ramaepc on my pc transporter and wonder if anyone else has had something like this happen. If I start up kermit, set prefix to /ramaepc, and do a cat several times, after the second or third or so times all the files in /ramaepc disappear. It doesn't happen doing the same with basic.system, with any of several P16 applications, nor does it happen with kermit if I use /ram5 instead of /ramaepc. The AE Bios memory check says the memory is OK. I'm using system disk 4.0 but with the older Finder. Its possible its always behaved this way since up to maybe a month ago I had been using /ram5 instead and I only recently noticed the problem. Oh yes, it doesn't happen with Appleworks (classic) either. Any ideas?
>From: TMPLee@DOCKMASTER.ARPA >Subject: more, weird behavior (/ramaepc) >First, to recapitulate: I discovered recently (I think after I changed >how I was using /ram5 and /ramaepc, the ram that comes with the AE PC >Transporter) that the second time I try to catalog (cat) files on >/ramapec from within kermit all the files disappear, i.e., the first and >second cat's show everything fine, the third shows the volume as empty. >This problem does not occur if I cat /ram5, for example, several times, >from within kermit, OR, or if instead I cat or catalogue /ramaepc from >BASIC.SYSTEM. I'm using ProDos8 V1.7. I didn't notice what version of >BASIC.SYSTEM; kermit is 3.85. [description of /RamAEPC blocks deleted] >It looks to me like near the end of the second cat command, or just >conceivably whenever whatever next tries to go at /ramaepc, something, >(the /ramaepc driver?) decides to re-initialize the volume, but that's >only a speculation. >Any ideas oh guru's???? Can anyone else reproduce this behavior? Yes, we just reproduced your results. We're running GS/OS 4.0, Basic.System 1.2, & Kermit 3.85 on a PCT-equipped 1.5M GS. It seems that the re-initalization occurs at the time of the 3rd CAT access from Kermit, independent of whether the 3rd access immediately follows the 2nd access. We tried exiting to Basic.System and doing a few CATs from there, then re-entering Kermit. We also tried triple-CATting other disks (somewhat nervously) and observed no damage to those disks. I'll forward this information on to Ted Medin, the current maintainer of Kermit-65, and see if he has any thoughts on it. _______________________ / \____________________________________________________ | Ralph Carpenter \ | Dept. of Psychology InterNet: CarpentR@SerVax.Bitnet | | Florida Atlantic U. Bitnet: CarpentR@SerVax Compu$erve: 76067,1625 | | at Boca Raton GEnie: Ralpho SoBell: (407) 367-2616 | \____________________________________________________________________________/ CC : RALPH=CARPENTER CC : BOB=HOLLEY CC : SMTP@INTERBIT