[comp.sys.apple] Sorry pnet01!crash!bloom-beacon.mit.edu!obsolete!pro-carolina!delton

MSER001@ECNCDC.BITNET (05/24/89)

>I've been following this thread, so I KNOW that Don Elton <delton> did NOT
>make the statement apparently attributed in the message quoted above (he
>probably replied causing somebody's mailer to associate his address with
>that text).  If I were Don, I'd be appalled at finding myself quoted as
>writing something 180 degrees from my position (even understanding how such
>things happen, I still think it's objectionable).

Murph pointed out that I made huge mistake.  I formally say "Sorry Don Elton"
I just grabbed the reply header from my first letter.  And thank you Murph
for pointing this out.

Due to this very big mistake...i am now formally resigning from sending any
more mail to info-apple that has an opinion.
Otherwise I may make more biggies.

Sorry Don, and all else concerned....

Scott Hutinger   mser001@ecncdc  mmpr004@ecncdc