[comp.sys.apple] Summer!

nicholaA@moravian.EDU (05/27/89)

Well folks, Summertime is now upon us (or at least it is for me).  I won't
be answering netmail very much because I'll be going home to maryland in
another few hours.  I'll be back in september, though...

I also hope to attend the KansasFest Apple II Developer's conference
being sponsored by A2-Central in July.  If you attend, stop by and say
hello... :-)

Take care!


Andy Nicholas                 CsNET: shrinkit@moravian.edu
Box 435                    InterNET: shrinkit%moravian.edu@relay.cs.net 
Moravian College               uucp: rutgers!lafcol!lehi3b15!mc70!shrinkit
Bethlehem, PA  18018          GEnie: shrinkit
----                   AppleLink PE: shrinkit