[comp.sys.apple] Piracy etc....

craparotta@liovax.DEC.COM (Physical T5--Virtual T7) (05/26/89)

Well now that I've looked at alot of this stuff I can also put in my $.02

Although I don't condone piracy, I do feel that alot of the software companies
are overstating the losses they incur. Having know alot of pirates when I first
started with my Apple 7yrs ago, I must point out that most of them were UNDER
17 yrs old and really just collected the programs like I collected baseball 
cards when I was younger. They NEVER used the stuff anyway... ALthough games
did seem to be used heavily. Now I would think that they should ALSO go after
the Corporate Pirates. They are the ones who hurt the most. The copy the documentation and the program! 

Before all the software programers and companies start flaming me, all I can say
IS CLEAN UP YOUR OWN ACT FIRST!!!!!!! The shrinkwrap law and the non SUPPORT
or you bought it.. its yours is nothing more than a scapegoat for you... I don'tfeel sorry at all for you... I would like applaud (sp) both Claris and Wordperfect though. The support they give out of the norm....	

craparotta@liovax.DEC.COM (Physical T5--Virtual T7) (05/27/89)

Well I think that as stated some of the problems is due to garbage software.
The Kings Quest series for the GS states that its a GS game, but you can see
from the BOOT that it was just ported over. It has absolutely NO GS level
graphics at all, but they do say its a for a GS!! There are so many other
programs that are just ported over with NO improvements for the GS that they
deserve whatever they get. Printshop GS has a REAl nice interface, but other than that it really the same. If a program is just ported over it should state
"Now Runs on //GS" or something like that.. 

On the other hand shareware programs like Tic,Prosel,Jumpstart are worth EVERY
penny they charge.