[comp.sys.apple] Shrinkit Disk Formatting Problem

numccann@PLAINS.NODAK.EDU ("Lester I. McCann") (06/06/89)

I just tried "un-Shrinkiting" the recently posted ECP8 files.  According to
the instructions, they should have unshrunk to a 5.25 disk.  Shrinkit asked
me which drive I wanted to unshrink to, it formatted my disk, caused a short
BRRRAAATTT from the drive, and said it found an I/O error.  I tried three
different disks -- same I/O error.  I then formatted them from the ORCA
shell -- no problem.  But Shrinkit still insisted there was an I/O error
on those disks.  Unfortunately, Shrinkit insists on formatting the disk
itself; I can't seem to convince it to just proceed to the unshrinking step.

Any ideas?  I'm using a GS, one 3.5 drive, one 5.25 drive, and Shrinkit 2.01.
(I even tried 0.95 -- same problem.)  Thanks.

Lester McCann