[comp.sys.apple] Telecommunications

mhamaoka@athena.mit.edu (Michael T Hamaoka) (03/20/88)

   I recently purchased an old acoustic modem and hooked it up to my 
Apple IIgs.  I've been trying to use my gs as a dumb terminal with the 
built in terminal command in the IIgs, but I get garbage when I call 
anywhere.  I've checked my settings for data bits, stop bits, and the 

   Does anyone know (just as a check) what pins connect from the IIgs
serial port to a standard RS232 cable?  Also, does anyone know what 
I'm doing wrong as far as the dumb terminal program?

   Thanks in advance.

                                    ----- Mike Hamaoka

laba-4an@web3d.berkeley.edu (Andy McFadden) (03/20/88)

In article <3910@bloom-beacon.MIT.EDU> mhamaoka@athena.mit.edu (Michael T Hamaoka) writes:
>   I recently purchased an old acoustic modem and hooked it up to my 
>Apple IIgs.  I've been trying to use my gs as a dumb terminal with the 
>built in terminal command in the IIgs, but I get garbage when I call 
>anywhere.  I've checked my settings for data bits, stop bits, and the 

I've done the same.  The dumbest terminal imaginable is to use "ctrl-A t",
which uses the //gs super serial port commands.

>   Does anyone know (just as a check) what pins connect from the IIgs
>serial port to a standard RS232 cable?  Also, does anyone know what 
>I'm doing wrong as far as the dumb terminal program?
>   Thanks in advance.
>                                    ----- Mike Hamaoka
>                                          (mhamaoka@athena.mit.edu)

I've been using an Andersen-Jacobsen monolith (1200/300 baud, acoustic/direct
connect for $30) with a generic rs232 -> serial port cable ($10) for a while.
I don't have a pinout diagram with me at the moment, but it might be in the
//gs Technical Manual somewhere (if all else fails, send me mail
and I'll pass the info along to you.)

"When all else fails, steal the instructions."

jamesh@pro-colony.UUCP (James Howell) (06/09/89)

        I am getting a modem for my //c+.  I would appreciate any help in
deciding which tcomm program to get.  I am considering ProTerm,
Point-to-point, and Timeout.TeleComm.  I am leaning toward ProTerm although if
the TO product does all I need, I may get that one.  Pros and Cons anyone?
What do you suggest I get?

                                - Jim

SEWALL@UCONNVM.BITNET (Murph Sewall) (06/10/89)

>        I am getting a modem for my //c+.  I would appreciate any help in
>deciding which tcomm program to get.  I am considering ProTerm,
>Point-to-point, and Timeout.TeleComm.  I am leaning toward ProTerm although if
>the TO product does all I need, I may get that one.  Pros and Cons anyone?
>What do you suggest I get?

Your choice depends somewhat on what host(s) you intend to communicate with.
Just for the sake of your wallet, consider Dave Whitney's Z-Link (shareware)
and Kermit-65 (public domain) ALTHOUGH Apple's done something peculiar with
the //c+ ROM (Pascal entries to the communications port?) that is (was?)
crashing Kermit-65 (last I heard -- ask Ted Medin <medin-t@shark.nosc.mil>)

Z-Link may be just the thing for communicating with Pro-colony (although
the commercial version of Don Elton's <formerly TIC> program may be just
as suitable as, and less expensive than, ProTerm).

Murph Sewall                       Vaporware? ---> [Gary Larson returns 1/1/90]
Prof. of Marketing     Sewall@UConnVM.BITNET
Business School        sewall%uconnvm.bitnet@mitvma.mit.edu          [INTERNET]
U of Connecticut       {psuvax1 or mcvax }!UCONNVM.BITNET!SEWALL     [UUCP]
           (203) 486-5246 [FAX] (203) 486-2489 [PHONE] 41 49N 72 15W [ICBM]

-+- I don't speak for my employer, though I frequently wish that I could
            (subject to change without notice; void where prohibited)

krb20699@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu (06/11/89)

     Also, there's a new package out by Applied Engineering, called EasyLink.
It's $99 list price.  It includes 132-column vt-100 emulation, macros, a lot
of protocols, etc.  Sounds pretty good, from what they say in their ad in
InCider this month.  Also, you may want to ask this same question in the
notesfile comp.dcom.modems.

paul@pro-europa.cts.com (Paul Hutmacher) (06/13/89)

Comment to message from: pnet01!crash!uxc.cso.uiuc.edu!ux1.cso.uiuc.edu!uxa.cso.uiuc.edu!krb20699 (Unknown User)

>      Also, there's a new package out by Applied Engineering, called EasyLink.

Isn't EasyLink also what Western Union calls their telex service for pc's?
This should prove interesting..

paul@pro-europa.cts.com                       |   "Open the pod bay door HAL"
...!crash!pnet01!pro-nsfmat!pro-europa!paul   |  "Sorry Dave, I can't do that"