[comp.sys.apple] Problem with TML Pascal

hartkopf@tramp.Colorado.EDU (HARTKOPF JEFFREY M) (06/23/89)

I'm having a problem with TML Pascal that I *hope* someone can help me
with.  I've written a fairly long program (~90 K by now) with quite a few
units (don't know if this is relevant to my problem or not) and everything
has worked fine until a day ago.  When I try to compile the main program to
disk, the compiling and linking goes fine but then at the end it gives me
the error dialog, "Error in writing to application file" (it compiles to
memory fine).  So this is kind of scary, since if I can't get it to compile to
disk I don't have a program.  I've tried things like transfering files to
another disk and recompiling to that disk, but the same thing happens.  As
I said, this process *used* to work fine, but now...?  I can't think of
anything I did that would do it.

Thanks--I'd appreciate any help very much.

Jeff Hartkopf


hartkopf@tramp.Colorado.EDU (HARTKOPF JEFFREY M) (06/26/89)

Earlier, I posted this message:

>I'm having a problem with TML Pascal that I *hope* someone can help me
>with.  I've written a fairly long program (~90 K by now) with quite a few
>units (don't know if this is relevant to my problem or not) and everything
>has worked fine until a day ago.  When I try to compile the main program to
>disk, the compiling and linking goes fine but then at the end it gives me
>the error dialog, "Error in writing to application file" (it compiles to
>memory fine).  So this is kind of scary, since if I can't get it to compile to
>disk I don't have a program.  I've tried things like transfering files to
>another disk and recompiling to that disk, but the same thing happens.  As
>I said, this process *used* to work fine, but now...?  I can't think of
>anything I did that would do it.

Well, no one has responded to my article but I'm still having the same problem.
I did some further testing, however, and when I comment out a big chunk
of code the program compiles to disk fine!  So it would appear that the program
is too big to be compiled to disk.  90K too big?  Has anyone had this problem
themselves?  Please--any suggestions would be appreciated.  After all, I
do want to be able to make my program executable.

Jeff Hartkopf


JDA@NIHCU.BITNET (Doug Ashbrook) (06/27/89)

> Earlier, I posted this message:
> >I'm having a problem with TML Pascal that I *hope* someone can help me
> >with.  I've written a fairly long program (~90 K by now) with quite a few
> >units (don't know if this is relevant to my problem or not) and everything
> >has worked fine until a day ago.  When I try to compile the main program to
> >disk, the compiling and linking goes fine but then at the end it gives me
> >the error dialog, "Error in writing to application file" (it compiles to
> >memory fine). So this is kind of scary, since if I can't get it to compile to
> >disk I don't have a program.  I've tried things like transfering files to
> >another disk and recompiling to that disk, but the same thing happens.  As
> >I said, this process *used* to work fine, but now...?  I can't think of
> >anything I did that would do it.
> Well, no one has responded to my article but I'm still having the same problem
> I did some further testing, however, and when I comment out a big chunk
> of code the program compiles to disk fine! So it would appear that the program
> is too big to be compiled to disk.  90K too big?  Has anyone had this problem
> themselves?  Please--any suggestions would be appreciated.  After all, I
> do want to be able to make my program executable.

I have written a program in TML Pascal (1.2A of the integrated version) that is
broken into 8 (or more) UNITs and results in a .SYS16 file that is about 176
blocks long.  I too have had problems with the linker, but mine seem to be
different.  I find that I must "compact memory" before beginning the compile and
then re-compile all UNITs (even if only some of them have changed).  When I do
this, the program links successfully.

I would strongly suggest that you copy your source files to a disk and mail it
to TML Systems with a note explaining your problem.  They seem to still have
some bugs in the linker.

J. Douglas Ashbrook                                   (301) 496-5181
BITNET: JDA@NIHCU                              <-- preferred address
INTERNET: JDA@CU.NIH.GOV     or     jda%nihcu.bitnet@cunyvm.cuny.edu
National Institutes of Health, Computer Center,   Bethesda, MD 20892

-+- Remember.  If some weirdo in a blue suit offers you some MS-DOS,

tribby@hpindda.HP.COM (David Tribby) (06/27/89)

hartkopf@tramp.Colorado.EDU (HARTKOPF JEFFREY M) writes...
>I'm having a problem with TML Pascal... 
> ...  the compiling and linking goes fine but then at the end it gives me
>the error dialog, "Error in writing to application file" (it compiles to
>memory fine).
> ...    this process *used* to work fine, but now...?  I can't think of
>anything I did that would do it.

Well, Jeff, my experience with TML Pascal is with the APW version, and using
a hard disk. You do not specify what your configuration is, but if you are
using 3.5 inch disks (or if your hard disk is getting full), you may be
right on the edge of running out of room.

Since the compile step works fine, there must be enough room to compile
the source code into relocatable format. Could you move all the relocatable
files to a different disk and try to link them there? Without the source
code on the same disk, it might work.

Or, if you have two disks (counting a RAM disk), you could specify that the
output of the linker should go to a different disk.

Good luck!

--Dave Tribby

                                   - - - - -
        ARPA: tribby%hpda@hplabs.HP.COM   UUCP: hplabs!hpda!tribby

APTC1%MKVAX1@msus1 (Verbal masterbation in the body of beauracratic nonsence) (06/28/89)

You may have a single procedure that is simply too long.  I know that with
the old Apple Pascal, if you had a procedure that had a lot of words (not
lines now...words), you would get an "Procedure too long error".  You might
try splitting up a few of the long procedures and see what happens.


dlyons@Apple.COM (David Lyons) (06/28/89)

In article <9695@boulder.Colorado.EDU> hartkopf@tramp.Colorado.EDU (HARTKOPF JEFFREY M) writes:
>Earlier, I posted this message:
>>I'm having a problem with TML Pascal that I *hope* someone can help me
>>with.  I've written a fairly long program (~90 K by now) with quite a few
>>units (don't know if this is relevant to my problem or not) and everything
>>has worked fine until a day ago.  When I try to compile the main program to
>>disk, the compiling and linking goes fine but then at the end it gives me
>>the error dialog, "Error in writing to application file" (it compiles to
>>memory fine). [...]

Is your disk full?  That would be the simplest explanation.

 --Dave Lyons, Apple Computer, Inc.          |   DAL Systems
   AppleLink--Apple Edition: DAVE.LYONS      |   P.O. Box 875
   AppleLink--Personal Edition: Dave Lyons   |   Cupertino, CA 95015-0875
   GEnie: D.LYONS2 or DAVE.LYONS         CompuServe: 72177,3233
   Internet/BITNET:  dlyons@apple.com    UUCP:  ...!ames!apple!dlyons

   My opinions are my own, not Apple's.

shatara@memit.dec.com (Chris Shatara) (06/28/89)

In article <32738@apple.Apple.COM>, dlyons@Apple.COM (David Lyons) writes...
>In article <9695@boulder.Colorado.EDU> hartkopf@tramp.Colorado.EDU (HARTKOPF JEFFREY M) writes:
>>Earlier, I posted this message:
>>>I'm having a problem with TML Pascal that I *hope* someone can help me
>>>with.  I've written a fairly long program (~90 K by now) with quite a few
>>>units (don't know if this is relevant to my problem or not) and everything
>>>has worked fine until a day ago.  When I try to compile the main program to
>>>disk, the compiling and linking goes fine but then at the end it gives me
>>>the error dialog, "Error in writing to application file" (it compiles to
>>>memory fine). [...]

One problem might be that you are exceeding the 64K boundry for code and 
data segments.  You might want to look at the writeups on compiler 
directives for setting multiple code and/or data segments in the TML 
pascal manual (pages 71-2 and Appendix B).  The diagnostics in the TML 
compiler are quite poor and I've run into many situations where the 
program appears to work sometimes and sometimes not as well as working 
when compiling to memory but not when compiling to disk

Hope this helps....Chris

Chris Shatara    shatara@memit.dec.com
		--or-- ...!decwrl!memit.dec.com!shatara
		--or-- shatara%leddev.dec@decwrl.dec.com
{ a frustrated ex-engineer who misses development }