poole@ssc-vax.UUCP (Kevin Poole) (07/14/89)
I own an APPLE ][e enhanced computer. I bought an RF unit so that I could use a color TV for video output. I lost the installation/connection instruction sheet and don't know how to hook it up. I do know how to make the molex connection (linear 4 pin) onto the apple's mother board but there is another wire that has a spring loaded clip that has me at a loss. I seem to remember that it hooks to one of the components on the mother board, maybe a resistor (???). I assume that most of the RF Units are the same or similar. Here are the specs on the one that I have: Alliance Research Model CRM320 Please send me mail or give me a call at (206) 264-6547. Thanks very much for your help! Kevin Poole --------------------------------------------------------------------------