[comp.sys.apple] Compress v4.3 modification needed

jmb@cbnews.ATT.COM (James M. Brohard) (08/13/89)

A while back Doug McIntyre (dougm@lakesys.UUCP (Doug McIntyre))
posted compress for the Apple IIGS.  I could not get it to work
for the life of me, so I decided to read the manual pages that came
with it.  I found that it cannot be used
with ecp16 without hacking part of the executable.

What needs to be done is to change the characters 'BYTEWRKS'
to 'ECP16   ' or something like this.  He mentions 'block warden'
as a tool that will do this.

The problem is that I do not have any tools to allow me to do this.
Does anyone have any PD software that they are willing to post
that would do this?  Or has anyone done it that will post the
hacked compress?

Jim Brohard