[comp.sys.apple] No Slot Clock Patch

rs.miller@pro-harvest.cts.com (Randy Miller) (08/25/89)

   Here is the patch for recognizing the No Slot Clock with
ModemWorks/AmperWorks.  Again, I'm not guaranteeing that this will work.

 10  PRINT  CHR$ (4)"-mw/amperworks"
 100  HOME : PRINT "Locating driver...": DIM ADDR(25): RESTORE 
 110  FOR LP = 0 TO 5: READ LOC(LP): NEXT 
 120  DATA   169,0,141,4,2,32
 130  FOR LP = 0 TO 25: READ ADDR(LP): NEXT 
 140  DATA   162,0,189,1,2,157,0,2,232,224,6,144,245
 150  DATA   173,1,2,174,2,2,141,2,2,142,1,2,96
 160  FOR LP = 36000 TO 38000:N = 0
 170 V =  PEEK (LP + N): IF V = LOC(N) THEN 190
 180  NEXT LP: PRINT : PRINT "Can't find driver!": END 
 190 N = N + 1: IF N < 6 THEN 170
 200  POKE LP + 8,24: POKE LP + 9,144: POKE LP + 10,17
 210 ADDR =  PEEK (LP + 29) +  PEEK (LP + 30) * 256
 220  FOR LP = 0 TO 25: POKE ADDR + LP,ADDR(LP): NEXT 

Hope this helps!