jlai@pro-sol.cts.com (Jack Lai) (08/27/89)
Original artical by Brian McCaig as follows: VIRUS WARNING !! VIRUS WARNING !! VIRUS WARNING !! * * LOAD RUNNER * * Well folks, here it is...installment number 3 in the Saga of the virus for the Apple II. First it was CyberAids, which wasn't all that great and was quickly defused. It was followed in June of 1988 by Festering Hate, a more sophisticated and deadly evolutionary offspring of CyberAids. F.H. spread rapidly throughout the Apple II world and was particularly insidious as it infected (usually) the first .SYSTEM file in the root directory, usually Basic.System, would infect more than one file per disk, would infect files insub-directories, and when it 'went off' would destroy all volumes currently on-line at the time. This included RAM disks and Hard Drives! By now, most of you are aware of Festering Hate and that there are several good virus detecting/protecting programs available that have virtually eradicated the FH virus. It is to the credit of the Apple II community in general, and selfless people like Glen Bredon that FH was halted before it got too out of hand. As a matter of fact it was the very vehicle that spread thevirus so rapidly that was also responsible for its quick demise. After I did my initial research on FH last year I wrote a brief study of it and uploaded the study to most of the active BBS's in Canada and the U.S. I also sent copies to Glen Bredon andthers who acted very quickly to develop the 'cures'. But it was the massive telecommunications network of Apple II users that spread the details so quickly and stopped FH. Now, number 3 virus has just appeared. Called, rather nostalgically, "LODE RUNNER", it is not quite as destructive as its predecessors but its a virus nonetheless. Here's what I've been able to pull together so far: SOURCE - Although we're not 100% positive it appears that the program called SPEEDY SMITH is the culprit. A recent import from France, Speedy Smith is one of the fastest copy programs for the IIgs. A full 800K disk copy takes about 50 seconds (without verification) to 70 seconds (with) using SS. It has an excellent SHR screen with 'thermometers' that indicate the copy's progress. Unfortunately the reason we cannot either convict or acquit SS is that its creators have seen fit to invent their own DOS. This DOS is not readable by standard Apple II sector editors such as the one in Copy II Plus. There are several reasons, however, for suspecting Speedy Smith. First SS's displays are in French and the virus's text screens are as well. When catalogued Copy II+ indicates that there are 292 used Prodos blocks, but adding up the individual files' blocks only totals 148. And lastly, what better vehicle for the spread of a virus than a copy program? HOW WAS IT DISCOVERED? - Lode Runner was discovered almost by accident by several members of the Apples BC Computer Society. Shortly after receiving several new disks of IIgs software, including Speedy Smith, one member found that his Test Drive II refused to run. This was followed by backups and originals of Space Quest I and Police Quest. At first it was thought that the member's IIgs was having hardware problems. But at the same time another friend from Eugene, Oregon contacted us about having seen a French hi-res screen appear on his monitor just before his Copy II+ disk was trashed. Not being Canadian he was only able to pick out the word "virus". Armed with this info and the 'damaged' Space Quest disks I spent a weekend checking things out. At the same time other friends in Oregon & California were independently analyzing infected disks. HOW DO YOU KNOW IF YOUR DISKS ARE 'INFECTED' - There are 4 ways of detecting Lode Runner: 1) When the virus "goes off" and erases your disk...not exactly the most pleasant way to find out. 2) If you have a copy of Space Quest I then you can use it to check all your disks. Boot any suspect disk and wait until the drive stops. Replace the disk with Space Quest and do the 3 or 4 fingered salute (OA-CTRL-RESET). NOTE: Keep Space Quest write protected so that it dosn't get screwed up. If Space Quest boots to the point where it asks you to press a joystick button then you can be pretty sure that the previous disk is OK. If Space Quest trashes with an error message (#206) then the previous disk is likely infected. If you DO get an infected disk then you MUST either power down your IIgs or run the self-test before continuing with your testing to clear the RAMas the virus seems to install itself there. 3) A better check (and much faster) is to boot Copy II+ and run the 3.5" Sector Editor. Do a read of Block 0000 (Track 00, sector 00, side 01). If the first 3 bytes are 01 A9 50 then the disk is infected. Those 3 bytes aren't the only bytes that are different but they are all that is necessary to identify the virus. 4) If you recall, last year during the Festering Hate panic it was noted that one of the best ways to have an Apple II virus was in BLOCK (0) on any Prodos disk. At that point, anticipating another virus, Guy T. Rice wrote a small virus detector/fixer. If you put this program into the SYSTEM/SYSTEM.SETUP folder on IIgs disks then it would automatically detect and correct modifications to Block (0). Now for LODE RUNNER this will also work.. that is, it WILL detect LODE RUNNER and it will try to correct Block (0). BUT, it appears that due to the method of spreading of LR Guy's program cannot correct it. Every time you boot the disk it'll give you the virus detect error. I think the reason for this is that LR installs itself in RAM upon bootup in preparation for infecting a new disk.. and the only way you can be sure that its gone is to either power down or run the self-test.. and since Guy Rice's program does an auto-reboot and corrects the block (0) all in one step then the RAM never really clears and the virus re-infects the disk. And since you cannot write-protect the disk it becomes a vicious circle. I am going to try to get these observations to Guy Rice in the hopes that he can modify his program. NOTE: Three other problems with using Guy's program: its no good for 5.25" disks, it only works with a IIgs and it only works with disks that are bootable. LODE RUNNER can infect ANY Prodos disk because it resides in one of the blocks created when a disk is formatted. There is a 5th way.. the friends in Eugene, Ore. have written a Binary program to detect and disarm the virus and I will try to include it in this file when I upload it. {Was not included} The reason theirs is successful is that the detector is not part of the disk being checked and thus the "circle" is broken. METHOD OF SPREADING - As far as we can tell the virus is spread two ways: by being copied with a copy program and by booting an uninfected disk (using OA-CTRL-RESET) immediately after running an infected disk. NOTE: For a disk to be infected it must not be write-protected. The virus does NOT infect actual files so none of your files will look modified in either their file length or their modified date. The virus also does not search all drives, as did Festering Hate, so cannot be detected that way. Because it doesn't infect files it only infects one spot per disk and cannot destroy any sub-directories. Therefore you cannot get rid of the virus just by re-copying the files...the virus is actually part of the Prodos kernel created when the disk is formatted. WHAT HAPPENS WHEN IT "GOES OFF" - To get Lode Runner to "go off" you must set your Control Panel's clock to the following: the MONTH must be October, the DAY must be an odd-numbered day and the minute must be a number divisable by 8. Next you must boot an infected disk then boot (using OA-CTRL-RESET) any other disk. This second disk must NOT be write-protected or the virus won't activate. Once the second disk is booted the virus will appear. Its a red screen with text characters as follows: +++ SYSTEM FAILURE in : +++ 08 and proceeds to count down to zero where the screen changesto another with a multi-colored scrolling background and the following text: 000E Copies. Distr:Artistes Associes === L O A D R U N N E R === Premier virus NON-DESTRUCTEUR sur IIGS par SUPER HACKER & SHYRKAN du MASTERS CRACKING SERVICE 1988 Lyon By the time you've read the first screen the disk that you just booted has been rendered useless. LR does not appear to erase morethan the current disk and doesn't seem to affect 5.25" disks. Not being an expert in French I am unable to determine whether the phrase below the title means: "The first non-destructIVE virus for the IIgs" or "The first non-destructIBLE virus for the IIgs". This is a 'moot' point however as it DOES destroy one disk when it goes off. In addition, and I believe that the writers of LR didn't plan this, LR will destroy Space Quest 1 and Police Quest for the IIgs if they are booted AT ANY TIME after an infected disk.. and if they are not write-protected. It is not necessary for LR to "go off" for these programs to be rendered useless. I have only found these two that behave in this fashion but I am sure there are more.. likely most of the Sierra programs for the IIgs. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS - As with the studies on Festering Hate there are many people who collaborated on the research for this virus. Many thanks go out to: APPLES BC members: Ross Woodhouse - for being so insistant that something WAS wrong. Pat Daley - for gathering data, programs and relaying info. EUGENE, OREGON users: Jack Stalcup - for accidentally setting the virus off because the battery in his IIgs was dead. And for sending the programs and keeping the communications alive. Neil Parker and Mike Suiter (sp?) - for analyzing LR and writing the detection/correction program. PLEASE upload this file and Virus.killer to all bulletin boards. Please tell everyone you know about this virus so that we can wipe it out as fast as Festering Hate. PLEASE.. if you find out any more information that is either not in these notes or that refutes any of these observations then let me know. I can be reached at (604)294-4471, 8:30am to 4:30pm Pacific time, Monday thru Friday up until September 30, 1989. I can also be either reached by answering machine or in person at home (604)947-9722 anytime. I will also be in attendance at Applefest in San Francisco Sept.22, 23, & 24th. Messages can also be left on Compuserve...to 76475,642 (>>>---Brian--->). >>>---Brian---> (Brian McCaig, Virus Busters) --Virus.Alert wasn't posted here, but give Omega BBS in Wichita, KS a call at (316) 669-9415, and you can dload it there. Thought the message was more important than the debugger. _______________________________________________________________________________ | Jack S. Lai | "Some people never learn anything because they understand | | jlai@pro-sol | everything too soon" - Alexander Pope | |_________________|___________________________________________________________|