sahayman@watcgl.UUCP (Steve Hayman) (10/28/84)
Well, forget your Smalltalk, forget your Modula-2, forget your Prolog, forget your 80286; go see "The Terminator" and you will see that the robot of the future - A) runs Apple DOS B) is programmed in COBOL. Watch some of the graphics in the movie that supposedly represent the programming of this robot from the year 2060, and you will see COBOL program fragments, plus a lot of an Apple 6502 Assembler program known as "Key Perfect" (Version 4.0). At least the code is well documented. I liked the movie anyways. Lots of action. Arnold Schwarzenegger - what an actor! Lots of people getting blowed up. Blowed up real good. No helicopters though. Steve Hayman