(Stephen Brown) (08/28/89)
Someone recently asked me if a IIgs and a Mac could share one SCSI drive. I have not heard of software that will allow a SCSI drive to be partitioned in such a way that it can be used by both a IIgs and a Mac (**note: Mac is always mentioned second**) I suggested an alterntive: the IIgs uses the Mac as a fileserver. Fine. What software does this? Can it run "in the background" or does it fully occupy the attention of the Mac? Perpetually curious. Steve Brown P.S. RE: A2Central Discussion--- Let me put in $0.02 worth: It's one of the best remaining publications for the Apple II line. ProLine: sb@pro-generic ARPA: crash!pnet01!pro-generic! INET: UUCP: crash!pnet01!pro-generic!sb UUCP: crash!pro-generic!sb ARPA: crash!pro-generic! INET:
emerrill@tippy.uucp (09/03/89)
/* Written 12:44 am Aug 28, 1989 by
>Someone recently asked me if a IIgs and a Mac could share one SCSI drive.
Is it my imagination or do I remember seeing somewhere that CMS drives
can do this? Or is it just sharing between two II's?