[comp.sys.apple] Telecom Program of the gods


> I'd like to be able to set defaults for sending uploads and receiving
> downloads.  I almost always use y-modem batch and I find it extremely
> annoying to have to reset them every time I boot up Proterm.

Try this.  Set all the things you'd like to default (this includs directories
you'd like to load txt from, send/receive from, transfer methods, etc.).
Then go to install and simply select default.  This will save all those defaults
to the file called PT.PARM.  Hope this creates your ultimate program.

I think ProTERM does everything I need.  I don't use GSOS that much, so that's
not a problem.  I would like to see the ANSI too.

What I would actually like to see, is a GBBS which would support ZMODEM.  That
would make me happy.


sjklafke@csd4.csd.uwm.edu (Scott James Klafke) (09/10/89)

>> I'd like to be able to set defaults for sending uploads and receiving
>> downloads.  I almost always use y-modem batch and I find it extremely
>> annoying to have to reset them every time I boot up Proterm.

You can always make global macros. Try this:

#-Y * do ymodem batch receive to test dir *
  do 'receive <ymodem> <batch> <> <> </test.dir> <over>'

#-Z * do zmodem batch recieve to test dir *
  do 'recieve <zmodem> <batch> <> <> </test.dir> <over>'

Now save this as "PT.GLOBAL". Now after you get the download set on the host
end, all you have to do is hit Open-Apple Y for Y-Modem Batch, and OA-Z for
Z-Modem Batch. Very easy and nice.

I personally like ProTERM alot. I see nothing wrong w/ it (since I don't use 
Kermit, but if I did, of course I would want it).

   Scott James Klafke    _|    (sjklafke@csd4.csd.uwm.edu)
    Scott & Company      |_    Business Phone  Home Phone
     372 E. Bay St.       |  (414) 438-1790  (414) 744-9058
Bay View, WI  53207-1236 -- It isn't creative, but it's MINE! --

lbotez@pro-sol.cts.com (Lynda Botez) (09/11/89)

Network Comment: to #10912 by APTC1%MKVAX1%MSUS1.BITNET@cunyvm.cuny.edu

Thanks for the Proterm tip.  I'm one of those people who never read the docs. 
I did buy this one, too...

You just saved me hours....  (oh well, it took me almost a year to learn about
"scrollback".  Heh heh)