[comp.sys.apple] DoubleDOS


Is anyone familiar with any type of program which is similar to the IBM's
Double DOS?  For those of you who don't know what Double DOS is, it was a
program loaded into ram which allowed you to split the CPU (you could flip
between two different programs).  I know about that old program for the Apple
called Double DOS which let you put DOS and ProDOS on a single 5.25" disk.


vicc@unix.cie.rpi.edu (VICC Project (Rose)) (09/12/89)

In article <8909111833.aa06256@SMOKE.BRL.MIL>, CHRIS@MSUS1.BITNET writes:
> Is anyone familiar with any type of program which is similar to the IBM's
> Double DOS?  For those of you who don't know what Double DOS is, it was a

not quite, but I did once write a program to split the Apple II ram into
2 sections to allow switching between 2 basic programs. It was amazingly
easy since I had documentation of Applesofts allocations. I think it took
about 8 hours to write.

Frank Filz

rat@madnix.UUCP (David Douthitt) (09/13/89)

| Is anyone familiar with any type of program which is similar to the IBM's
| [DoubleDOS] ?  For those of you who don't know what Double DOS is, it was a
| program loaded into ram which allowed you to split the CPU (you could flip
| between two different programs).

You could try Extra K (from Beagle Brothers) or SoftSwitch (from Roger
Wagner).  Extra K makes your IIc or IIe look like two 64K Apples.
Softswitch makes your IIgs look like numerous Apples.

Haven't tried either one; users speak up and tell us how likedthese


!======= David Douthitt :::: Madison, WI =======!== The Stainless Steel Rat ==!
!  ArpaNet: madnix!rat@cs.wisc.edu              !                             !
!  UseNet: ...uwvax!astroatc!nicmad!madnix!rat  !  Mad Apple Forth:           !
!               {decvax!att}!                   !  The Madness starts here.   !

prl3546@tahoma.UUCP (Philip R. Lindberg) (09/13/89)

From article <8909111833.aa06256@SMOKE.BRL.MIL>, by CHRIS@MSUS1.BITNET:
> Is anyone familiar with any type of program which is similar to the IBM's
> Double DOS?  For those of you who don't know what Double DOS is, it was a
> program loaded into ram which allowed you to split the CPU (you could flip
> between two different programs).

Do you mean switching like SoftSwitch (for the GS)?  Or are you refering to
true multitasking, where the cpu does the switching?

> Chris


joseph@elbereth.rutgers.edu (Seymour Joseph) (09/15/89)

Softswitch works, it allows you to switch between up to 9 different 8
bit applications.  It does not allow you to run multiple 16 bit
applications.  It works only on the IIGS and allows you to switch any
program that lets you get to the classic desk accessories.   This
includes many copy protected games.

It allows you to snatch graphic images from any program you are
running and also allows you to save and later reload the memory image
of any switchable 8 Bit program.    

I don't use it very often, but it has come in handy more than once. 



> Softswitch

Is this a copywrited, shareware, or freeware program...I guess what I'm
getting to is, where can I find it?

Also, does it allow a program to continue running while you switch to another
application?  I'm thinking that it would be pretty nice to set up a down or up
load, and be able to flip to another job.


paul@pro-europa.cts.com (Paul Hutmacher) (09/19/89)

Comment to message from: CHRIS%MSUS1.BITNET@cunyvm.cuny.edu (Unknown User)

> Also, does it allow a program to continue running while you switch to another
> application? I'm thinking that it would be pretty nice to set up a down or up
> load, and be able to flip to another job.

Ah, that would be nice wouldn't it?  Kind of like having a multi-finder for
the IIgs.  Unfortunatly, it won't work that way and you do need a mac and
multi-finder to run two or more programs at the same time.

I understand it could be done on a IIgs but I'm darned if I could write it.

|UUCP: [ucsd, nosc] ..!crash!pro-europa!paul   |     Texas SysOps Unite!      |
|INET: paul@pro-europa.cts.com                 | Join COSUARD!  Let's Fight!  |
|ARPA: crash!pro-europa!paul@nosc.mil          |  See you on the 16th Kirk!   |

greyelf@wpi.wpi.edu (Michael J Pender) (09/20/89)

In article <852@madnix.UUCP> rat@madnix.UUCP (David Douthitt) writes:
>| Is anyone familiar with any type of program which is similar to the IBM's
>| [DoubleDOS] ?  For those of you who don't know what Double DOS is, it was a
>| program loaded into ram which allowed you to split the CPU (you could flip
>| between two different programs).
>You could try Extra K (from Beagle Brothers) or SoftSwitch (from Roger
>Wagner).  Extra K makes your IIc or IIe look like two 64K Apples.
>Softswitch makes your IIgs look like numerous Apples.

It should be noted that extra K will run  on a IIe, IIc, or Laser 128 also.
I've been meaning to look into getting Daemon to actually run two 
seperate programs at the same time, one in each half of memory.  It 
wouldn't be too different than running background tasks.

Has anyone ever written one of these programs that runs a program in 
the other bank and switches?  I figure those of us with 2.0 Megahertz
or faster speed should still have acceptable speed.

Also I did some more work on Daemon and the Window routines over the summer,
but have been too busy lately to upload them.  The window routines still
have a bug or two I haven't killed, but as my parents keep reminding
me, I'm at college to pass courses, not write software.

Anywho, I should have somethin up in the next week, but don't hold me to

Michael J Pender Jr  Box 1942 c/o W.P.I.        I wrote SHELL and Daemon,
greyelf@wpi.bitnet   100 Institute Rd.          send bug reports, suggestions,
greyelf@wpi.wpi.edu  Worcester, Ma 01609        checks to me.