[comp.sys.apple] WANTED: Terminal Program for Mac Plus

paul@devon.LNS.PA.US (Paul Sutcliffe Jr.) (09/19/89)

I have a friend who has a Mac Plus, and he wants a dumb terminal
program (no terminal emulation needed; just file transfer).  Is there
a Kermit available for that system?  If not, is there any other
program available?

Please respond via email, I do not normally read this group.

- paul
INTERNET:  paul@devon.LNS.PA.US         |   How many whales do you have to
UUCP:      ...!rutgers!devon!paul       |       save to get a toaster?

SEWALL@UCONNVM.BITNET (Murph Sewall) (09/20/89)

On Mon, 18 Sep 89 18:00:34 GMT you said:
>I have a friend who has a Mac Plus, and he wants a dumb terminal
>program (no terminal emulation needed; just file transfer).  Is there
>a Kermit available for that system?  If not, is there any other
>program available?

Yes, there is a Mac Kermit (available by ftp from cunixc.columbia.edu)
and from OKSTATE (for most UUCP sites, although the instructions are
a bit complex).

You would be more likely to get details about how to get Kermit and other
pulic domain or shareware communications software for the Macintosh from
info-mac@sumex-aim.Stanford.Edu (I'm copying info-mac to hurry that along
a little :-)

Murph Sewall                       Vaporware? ---> [Gary Larson returns 1/1/90]
Prof. of Marketing     Sewall@UConnVM.BITNET
Business School        sewall%uconnvm.bitnet@cunyvm.cuny.edu         [INTERNET]
U of Connecticut       {psuvax1 or mcvax }!UCONNVM.BITNET!SEWALL     [UUCP]
           (203) 486-5246 [FAX] (203) 486-2489 [PHONE] 41 49N 72 15W [ICBM]

    The opposite of artificial intelligence is genuine stupidity!
-+- I don't speak for my employer, though I frequently wish that I could
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