[comp.sys.apple] Applefestive

cwilson@NISC.SRI.COM (Chan Wilson) (09/28/89)

>ramblings about applefestiveness
]>[Gassee] also demontrated a hands-off
]>mouse - one of those headsets that you wear on your head and use a
]>blow switch as the mouse button.  This has been around for a couple
]>years, though. [...]
]Ah, but Video Keyboard hasn't been around:  it lets you use the mouse
]instead of the keyboard in any GS application that supports NDAs.
Hmm.. Good point. I wish they had that for the mac- there are times it
would be nice to toss the keyboard away for limited periods of time. :-)

]>Someone from Western Digital (I'm pretty sure it was Bill Mench (sp?)
]>asked him why Apple hasn't had more commitment towards faster 65816's.
]It was indeed Bill Mensch, and the name of his company is Western Design

Does anybody know the truth behind the claims he made that he has
lots of 6-10mhz 65816 chips? And is this true?

]The newsletter you mentioned is called "II Technical".  (I read most of
]one issue, and there's certainly some interesting stuff in there, not
]counting a couple of gratuitous insults thrown at Apple.)

Well, I saw the 'special Applefest edition' of The Road Apple, and my
general conclusion was that it was a 'paper flame.'  Not much
intellectual content, lots of bitching and moaning.

]>Also, GS/OS 3.0 seems to have a few
]>random bugs, although this could be caused by my hard drive. (Old
]>datamac, SASI interface).  
]"Random" bugs?  Please be more specific.

Well, okay, they aren't quite random- I've been able to reproduce it.  After
munging the installation process a couple of times, I got smart and used the
Installer (;-]) to install it onto the hard disk.  So I double click on the
prodos icon when it's finished, and GS/OS loads just fine.  "Fine and Dandy," I
say, and proceed to rename Prodos to Start.GS.OS so I boot into Prodos 8 on
startup.  I accomplish this, and hit reset to verify that it works, and do a
-Start.GS.OS to bounce into GS/OS.  I power down, power back up, and try to
enter GS/OS the same way.  The thermometer fills up, and the machine is hung.  
So, I hit reset, and try again. This time, it loads fine.   I have to run 
Start.GS.OS twice in order to get into GS/OS.  When viewing the loading 
proceedures (hitting esc as it loads) the first time it says "--In Pause 
Mode!  Hit Space to continue--" or somesuch similar.  Space bar doesn't help, 

] --Dave Lyons, Apple Computer, Inc.          |   DAL Systems

--Chan Wilson
 "The vision of the future-- here, and now..." -- Sigue Sigue Sputnik
            cwilson@nisc.sri.com or cwilson@nic.ddn.mil
               `the center of the Internet Universe'