[comp.sys.apple] Diversi-Tune

daveharv@pro-novapple.UUCP (System Administrator) (07/15/88)

Bill Basham can be reached at:

Diversified Software Research, Inc.
34880 Bunker Hill
Farmington, MI 48331-3236

Bill is the author of Diversi-Tune, a computer music program for the Apple
IIGS.  It can be ordered from the address above or by calling 800-835-2246.
It sells for $55.00.
proline: pro-charlotte!pro-novapple!daveharv
uucp: {ihnp4, cbosgd, sdcsvax, nosc}!crash!pro-charlotte!pro-novapple!daveharv
arpa: crash!pro-charlotte!pro-novapple!daveharv
int: pro-charlotte!pro-novapple!daveharv

robert_macausland@brains.UUCP (Robert MacAusland) (10/01/89)

 Does anyone out there have any interesting DiversiTune sound files?  I was
looking for songs from this century, but I haven't found any yet :-)
  Bitnet: Robm@Tuns 
   -===------===-    From Robert Macausland at Cerebral Cortex BBS System
  -==-==----==-==-   (902)462-7245 3/12/2400 8N1 24h/7d
 -==-------==------  robert_macausland%brains@iisat.UUCP
  -==-==----==-==-   {uunet, utai, watmath}!dalcs!iisat!brains!robert_macausland