[comp.sys.apple] ok, now how do I make a backgrounder for GS/OS?

toddpw@tybalt.caltech.edu (Todd P. Whitesel) (09/30/89)

Muchas Gracias, Dave, but where can I get an NDA, say, that implements this?
Come to think of it, does the system (5.0.1) recognize something like a file
in system.setup called deskpicture (or something like that) or do I have to
write something myself?

To get this running, I would have to:
     get a 32006 byte handle
     read in the file
     call Message Center w/ type 2
     and exit.

now I doubt a P8 application (which is all I am confident about being able to
write right now) can do the handle allocation part, or does the P8 loader just
allocate all of banks 0-1 (makes sense I guess)? In any case the best solution
is an NDA that lets one select a new picture and optionally save it back onto
the boot disk (assume automatic installation on bootup), so I get back to the
original question:

Is there anywhere I can get an NDA to do this?

Thanks in advance from anybody with the info. If nobody knows of one I will be
learning NDA programming soon anyway so my first project will be such an NDA to
be released as FreeWare.

Mural, by the way, has no ____Ware marking on it, so I am treating it as Free
in the abscence of evidence to the contrary. If anyone would like, I will
run it through ShrinkIt and Binscii and post.

Todd P Whitesel
toddpw @ tybalt.caltech.edu
toddpw @ CITROMEO (bitnet)

dlyons@Apple.COM (David Lyons) (10/04/89)

In article <12107@cit-vax.Caltech.Edu> toddpw@tybalt.caltech.edu.UUCP (Todd P. Whitesel) writes:
>Muchas Gracias, Dave, but where can I get an NDA, say, that implements this?
>Come to think of it, does the system [...] recognize something like a file
>in system.setup called deskpicture (or something like that) or do I have to
>write something myself?

Nope, the system doesn't automatically look for a picture to use for the

>To get this running, I would have to:
>  get a 32006 byte handle
>  read in the file
>  call Message Center w/ type 2
>  and exit.
>now I doubt a P8 application (which is all I am confident about being able to
>write right now) can do the handle allocation part [...]

You can do it from P8 with no problem, but you have to do it every time you
boot (the MessageCenter loses its contents when you boot).  An NDA or CDev
would be a good solution.  Or even a Temporary Init File that just loads a
picture with a predetermined name (like *:System:DeskPicture, for example).

>Is there anywhere I can get an NDA to do this?

I don't know of one offhand.  (Go for it!)

>Todd P Whitesel

 --Dave Lyons, Apple Computer, Inc.          |   DAL Systems
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   My opinions are my own, not Apple's.