[comp.sys.apple] Pascal compilers

ptrepan3@umn-d-ub.D.UMN.EDU (Pat Trepanier) (10/03/89)

I am looking to buy a good pascal compiler and was wondering what other people
thought was a good pascal compiler. I am using a IIGS with 1.25 meg and would 
like for the compiler to be cojmpatible with GS/OS 5.0. I have been reading
alot about TML and Orca and was wondering what people thought of thes two
compilers and why they bought the one they did.


maxc1087@ucselx.sdsu.edu (James Hensley) (10/03/89)

I'm also looking for a pascal system, I was using apple pascal 1.2 (p-system), 
But it won't recognize my CPS unidisk.  I had heard that 
apple pascal 1.3 had drivers for the 3.5", but don't seem to see it in
any mail-order places. Is it still sold? 
i really wanted something better that Kyan (standard) pascal. (units, etc)
There is to be a shortage of pascal compilers for //e's. but not //gs ones. 
Any suggestions?

						James Hensley

ST802148@BROWNVM.BITNET (Evan) (10/04/89)

>I'm also looking for a pascal system, I was using apple pascal 1.2 (p-system),
>But it won't recognize my CPS unidisk.  I had heard that
>apple pascal 1.3 had drivers for the 3.5", but don't seem to see it in
>any mail-order places. Is it still sold?
>i really wanted something better that Kyan (standard) pascal. (units, etc)
>There is to be a shortage of pascal compilers for //e's. but not //gs ones.
>Any suggestions?
Yes: Get yourself a CP/M card and get Turbo Pascal. The CP/M is $40 from AE and
 comes with drivers that allow use of a 3 1/2". Turbo rocks over Apple Pascal 1
.3 totally...

lvirden@pro-tcc.UUCP (Larry Virden) (10/06/89)

Network Comment: to #697 by gem.mps.ohio-state.edu!ginosko!ctrsol!sdsu!ucselx!maxc1087@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu

Apple Pascal 1.3 is available thru a few mail order places if you specifically
ask or from APDA.  Thats because yet again Apple has dropped a language.
Instant Pascal, Apple Pascal, GS Basic, all of these Apple II languages are
gone.  Only Applesoft and APW Asm and C are available actively I believe.
You might try Pecan Software - a lot of folks complain about them, but if
they are the only folks in town supporting your machine...
Larry W. Virden                 ProLine: pro-tcc!lvirden
674 Falls Place                 Work:   lvirden@cas.bitnet
Reynoldsburg, OH 43068-1614     Aline:  LVIRDEN
                                CIS:    75046,606