[comp.sys.apple] X11/NeWS server on a IIgs

lvirden@pro-tcc.UUCP (Larry Virden) (10/12/89)

Did that subject line catch your attention?  This summer (or perhaps last
winter - I dont have the article close right now) a paper was presented at
Usenix concerning some work some folks at Sun did at getting the X11/NeWS
server up and running on an Atari ST.  They felt that it would be able
to come up on any machine with a similar 'minimal' operating system.
The catch is that it requires 4 meg of memory.  But I think that I would
be willing to get the memory to get real multiple windows at home!  I
know that a few of you out there WORK at Sun - others work with Suns at
work (like myself).  Has anyone else seen that article - its called
something like "At Home with X11/News" and is found in the conference
proceedings for Usenix.

Has anyone begun to port the server to a IIgs?  Please contact me - I would
LOVE to see it!
Larry W. Virden                 ProLine: pro-tcc!lvirden
674 Falls Place                 Work:   lvirden@cas.bitnet
Reynoldsburg, OH 43068-1614     Aline:  LVIRDEN
                                CIS:    75046,606