[comp.sys.apple] Wildcard, Swyftcard and other Antiques

ehsu@husc8.HARVARD.EDU (Eric Hsu) (10/13/89)

	I was given a Swyftcard several years ago and have used it
on and off for the last few years.  For those who don't know what it is,
it is a plug-in card for the Apple // series thains a great word pro-
cessor in ROM. The user interface was/is innovative and brilliant (it involves
a DISK key and PRINT key, reducing many operations to one keystroke, and 
an ability to move to any phrase by typing it with the open-apple key
down).  I would use it for everything, EXCEPT that it has barely 
any printing capabilities.
	However, I have a sliver of hope. Swyftcard (amazingly) includes
a "jump to monitor" command. If I had the proper information on the Swyftcard
program, I might be able to install my own printer driver (or, less 
optimistically, some custom printer codes). Oh yeah, and I'd try adding cursor
key motion.
	ou may well ask, how can I change software in ROM? Good question. I
believe it loads itself into RAM, and even if it didn't, it does have
the ability to send segments of text to the Applesoft interpreter, so I could
write a program that would POKE in a small machine language program.
	But I'll NEVER know if I have no docs! I don't relish trying to 
disassemble the code from hex. If (1) you have worked on this particular 
problem of the Swyftcard, or know ANYTHING about it, (2) know where I can write
to, (or 3) have conclusive proof that the quest is hopeless, I would like
to hear from you.
	On to the other antique: the Wildcard. This (legendary) card takes
'snapshots' of memory, so that one can save games (for instance) that you
might not have been able to before, or one can partially backup software 
(my REVERSAL program is having trouble booting, for instance, and Hayden's
out of business, I think).
	Any information at all would be helpful.

	While I'm at it, I have a Microsoft Softcard //e (CP/M card). Are there
any CP/M programs available nowadays?

	If I sound like an Apple user who stopped upgrading several years ago,
I am. I saw the //c come up, and the //GS go by with Apple's unaffordable
//e to //gs upgrade. 

	Oh, one last question: I am reading, with great interest the Zip Chip
vs. Rocket Chip Debate. Is there any truth to some Apple // magazine's claim
that Rocket Chip crashes often?

	Thank you for your reading time.

					A Blast from the Past,
					Eric Hsu