[comp.sys.apple] Translating files from IBM to Apple & back....


I'm looking for information regarding programs that translates files
from IBMs to Apple computers from one format to another (eg. WordPerfect
4.1 to AppleWorks and back) not just limited to word processor files.

So far I've seen ads for CrossWorks by SoftSpoken, but I haven't seen
the program in action.  Anyone know what it's limitations are?  Does
anyone know of any other programs, shareware or otherwise, that might
be used for this purpose?

Send me mail directly & I'll post a digest as soon as I get enough mail.
That way the network traffic time won't be taxed.

David William Wrage  a.k.a.  The Frenchman
 -'I don't have a nifty saying yet, but I'll think of one.....'

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  7140 Selby Road - Lot 1           IRPGMR7@OUACCVMB.BITNET
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 'If builders built buildings the way programmers wrote programs, then
     the first woodpecker that came along would destroy civilization.'
                                             - Gerald Weinberg