[comp.sys.apple] PSN/AppleShare

philip@pro-generic.cts.com (Philip McDunnough) (09/26/89)

A company called IPT is marketing a distributed(like TOPS) network which is
AFP-compliant.The product is PSN(see recent MacWeek ad).This implies that
a GS could run off a non-dedicated MAC.

Are there any restrictions on the type of software a GS(using 5.0. ) can
run from AppleShare? How would one get ProDos programs onto the MacIIcx,apart
from using AFE?Will AFE even work? Has anyone found conflicts between
AppleShare and TWGS?What about copy-protected programs which are hard disk
installable-will they work?

The product(PSN) would seem to be an exciting one provided GS/OS can launch
ProDos applications.I'm new to the GS world so please excuse any silly

       philip@utstat.toronto.edu   (please E-mail if possible)

rnf@shumv1.uucp (Rick Fincher) (10/05/89)

If the software is AFP (Apple Filing Protocol) compatible, it should work
fine.  You won't be able to boot off the server but you can run programs
just fine under GS/OS 5.0 with AppleShare installed.  You will need to 
get a password on the server or log on as a guest.  Prodos 8 and GS/OS
programs should work fine.  As far as the gs knows the server is a hard drive
directly connected to the machine.  In fact you can even use the Mac naming 
conventions (spaces in file names etc.) on that disk.  You can use the finder
to copy files to the server.  It looks like a regular hard drive.

Rick Fincher

"Just Say No- To MS-DOS"

rewing@Apple.COM (Richard Ewing) (10/08/89)

PSN (Personal Server Network) from IPT will simulate an Appleshare
server on a non-dedicated Mac.  Although its a bit slow, it does
work.  However, it only emulates an Appleshare 1.1 server, so
it can NOT serve the IIgs as a client.  System software 5.0 requires
that if you use an Appleshare server, that it must be version 2
or above. (I tried for sake of argument anyway, and indeed, it doesn't work.

|Disclaimer:  Segmentation Fault: Core Dumped.                            |
|                                                                         |
|Internet: REWING@APPLE.COM-----------------------Rick Ewing              |
|ApplelinkPE & MacNet Soon!------------------Apple Computer, Inc.         |
|Applelink: EWING--------------------100 Ashford Center North, Suite 100  |
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|GENIE: R.EWING1--------------------------TalkNet: (404) 393-9358         |
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buzz@tippy.uucp (10/10/89)

So does IPT have any plans to upgrade PSN to support version 2 of

Are there any other software and/or hardware packages that will allow
for Apple...s'cuse me, LocalTalked //s without a dedicated Mac server?

I'm asking for a teacher friend of mine who has the uneviable job of   
setting-up such a beast.

| USENET:   tippy!buzz@newton.physics.purdue.edu |"My views on evolution?    | 
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philip@pro-generic.cts.com (Philip McDunnough) (10/11/89)

Network Comment: to #5983 by rewing@apple.com

Is PSN slow because of the way they implemented it?Given an upgrade to a
"ver2" compatible product would the speed issues disappear.What I'm getting at
is the speed at which a GS will work from an AppleShare server(say
Apple's!).Can a GS be run as a diskless node on such a server?If so,then would
one have to use AFE to put the GS programs onto the Mac(or otherwise) hard

philip@utstat.toronto.edu   ->Philip McDunnough

philip@pro-generic.cts.com (Philip McDunnough) (10/16/89)

Network Comment: to #6122 by pur-phy!tippy!buzz@ee.ecn.purdue.edu

>So does IPT have any plans to upgrade PSN to support version 2 of

PSN already supports AppleShare ver2.01. I verified this from them several
times last week.Since they have a 30 day trial period you can further
convince yourself of this.Several people have puchased PSN with the GS in
mind.None have been returned according to IPT.

Philip McDunnough     ->philip@utstat.edu
University of Toronto
[my opinions]

rewing@Apple.COM (Richard Ewing) (10/18/89)

If PSN has been updated to support AFP 2.0.1, then that's news to me.
The version which I have only emulates a 1.1 server, and is therefore
incompatible with the GS.

--Rick Ewing
  Apple Atlanta

|Disclaimer:  Segmentation Fault: Core Dumped.                            |
|                                                                         |
|Internet: REWING@APPLE.COM-----------------------Rick Ewing              |
|ApplelinkPE & MacNet Soon!------------------Apple Computer, Inc.         |
|Applelink: EWING--------------------100 Ashford Center North, Suite 100  |
|Compu$erve: [76474,1732]--------------------Atlanta, GA 30338            |
|GENIE: R.EWING1--------------------------TalkNet: (404) 393-9358         |
|USENET: {amdahl,decwrl,sun,unisoft}!apple!rewing                         |

rnf@shumv1.uucp (Rick Fincher) (10/18/89)

Can someone post the address and phone number of the company that makes the 
PSN AppleShare compatible product?

