[comp.sys.apple] *FREE* Hard Drive REPAIRS!

sschneider@pro-exchange.cts.com (The RainForest BBS) (10/20/89)

If you have a bad 40 meg hard drive (Apple-brand) in your SE, II or IIx and
its serial number is between 335507 and 1023016 you are entitled to FREE
repairs through June, 1990. If you've already had to pay to repair it, you are
entitled to a refund. For further information call 408-252-2775

<Source COMPUTE magazine, October, 1989 issue, page 8>


| UUCP: crash!pro-exchange!sschneider               COMPU$ERVE : 75166,2544 |
| ARPA: crash!pro-exchange!sschneider@nosc.mil      GENIE      : sschneider |
| INET: sschneider@pro-exchange.cts.com             APLINK.PE  : <shrug>    |
| The RainForest @ 305-434-4927 / PO Box 841422, Pembroke Pines, Fl,  33084 |