(Jeremy G. Mereness) (10/25/89)
I hate to heat up the debate, but I hate to see Apple sitting on its duff in promoting the Apple // line.... while Commodore just ran a 7 page color insert in this week's TIME magazine for the Amiga. I wuold LOVE to see that kind of marketing investment in the Apple //gs. I would also love to see a //gs that can perform like an Amiga. Where are those 7 MHz 65c816's in mass quantity that Bill Mensch mentioned at the A2-Central Developer's conference? Howabout support for the 3rd party enhanced graphics card mentioned at SF Applefest? Apple is a big company. They can pull some strings if they want to. They sure pull a lot for the Mac. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ | Jeremy Mereness | Support | Disclaimer: | | (internet) | Free | The above represent my | | r746jm7e@cmccvb (Vax... bitnet) | Software | opinions, alone. | | a student at Carnegie Mellon U. | | Void where prohibited. | -----------------------------------------------------------------------------