[comp.sys.apple] FONTS AND MORE FONTS

jm7e+@ANDREW.CMU.EDU ("Jeremy G. Mereness") (11/11/89)

Someone has just posted a @#%$load of cool fonts to the
internet.apple2-l board for the GS. Go 'fer 'em!!!! If you need
something to use the fonts with, like a word processor, then send mail
to me and we will fix that.


jm7e+@ANDREW.CMU.EDU ("Jeremy G. Mereness") (11/11/89)

Yow! Sorry folks, that message was meant for a local bboard, but
andrew popped it off to the net before I could erase it. And after all
this talk about volume on this bboard...

For those interested in the word processor, I am working on a GS
version of miniWriter from the world of Macs. Hopefully I can get the
thing stable enough by the end of the semester for an upload. It
doesn't do much, but it would be nice to have around.

| Jeremy Mereness                  |   Support     | Disclaimer:             |
| jm7e+@andrew.cmu.edu (internet)  |     Free      |  The above represent my |
| r746jm7e@cmccvb (Vax... bitnet)  |      Software |  opinions, alone.       |
| a student at Carnegie Mellon U.  |               |  Void where prohibited. |