[comp.sys.apple] "SuperPatch" P.D./shareware/commercial?

HENKLE@OSHKOSH.WISC.EDU ("Doug Henkle, UW Oshkosh") (11/15/89)

     I am confused about the status of the AppleWorks enhancement program
called SuperPatch.  I recently received Version 3.0 on Disk #R03 from the
Big Red Apple Club.  The title screen says it is Public Domain.  But
according to page 64 of the May 1989 issue of "Call-A.P.P.L.E.", Version
3.1 is shareware.  If so, I would like to send in whatever fee is requested
because it is a great program and a real time saver.  The magazine did not
say what the fee is nor where I should send it.  Does anyone have John
Link's USPS mailing address?
     The most confusing part came in the Fall 1989 "Enhancements Marketing"
mail order catalog, which has Version 6.1 for sale for $39.95!  Presumably
it has now become a commercial product.  What's going on?
Please reply directly to me.  I had to signoff INFO-APP because our
VAX 11/780 can't handle the large amount of traffic it generates.  Thanks.
Douglas H. Henkle            Bitnet: "HENKLE@OSHKOSHW"
Univ. of Wis. Oshkosh      Internet: "HENKLE@OSHKOSH.WISC.EDU"
Computer Services
800 Algoma Blvd., Oshkosh, WI  54901